Feed Buddy
Speed Buddy Cricket Bowling Machine
Simulates bowling and can be used with a coach feeding the balls or alone with our automatic feeder included.
With its automatic system the Speed Buddy releases a ball every 6-8 seconds so any age or ability of cricketer can practice alone. Repeat shots or simply groove technique with the new Speed Buddy.
- Provides bowling simulation for hours allowing you to perfect different shots and groove technique
- Mains powered
- Used with Feed Buddy light balls
- Appropriate for any age or ability to repeat shots over and over again either alone or with a coach/parent
- Comes with ball feeder so you can stack 10 balls firing out every 6-8 seconds
- Speeds up to 85-90kph
- 3 different speed settings (low, medium or high)
- In swing and out swing available with adjustable controls
- CE certified
Perfect for the garden, drive, house or cricket club! A must for every serious batsmen who loves to hit balls with or without a coach or parent.
****Can only be used with Feed Buddy light balls ensuring best performance.****